• Photography Collecting Symposium – Gefter @Frick

    Gefter’s Wagstaff, Mapplethorpe, and the “gay sensibility”. At the Frick photography collecting symposium.

  • Photography Collecting Symposium – Auction @Frick

    Denise Bethel and an early text-only auction catalog. At the Frick photography collecting symposium.

  • Photography Collecting Symposium – V&A @Frick

    The V & A began collecting photographs in 1852. At the Frick photography collecting symposium.

  • Nina Leen @Daniel Cooney

    The burnished glow of ice tongs. Nina Leen at Daniel Cooney Fine Art.

  • Judith Henry @BravinLee

    Exchanging faces with Virginia Woolf. Judith Henry at BravinLee Programs.

  • Manuel Franquelo @Marlborough

    Uncanny 3D spatial fidelity in a photograph. Manuel Franquelo at Marlborough Gallery.

  • Mario Algaze @Throckmorton

    Layers of textures in a Guatemalan street. Mario Algaze at Throckmorton Fine Art.

  • Martín Gutierrez @Ryan Lee

    Hiding in among the mannequins. Martín Gutierrez at Ryan Lee.

  • Daisuke Yokota @Shashin Festival

    Daisuke Yokota applies acetic acid to his images. At the Shashin Festival.

  • Takashi Homma @Shashin Festival

    Polaroid prints from Takashi Homma’s camera obscura. At the Shashin Festival.

  • Mayumi Hosokura @Shashin Festival

    Mayumi Hosokura with her new self-published photobook. At the Shashin Festival.

  • Erin Shirreff @Sikkema Jenkins

    Geometric layers in large scale cyanotype. Erin Shirreff at Sikkema Jenkins & Co.

  • Ari Marcopoulos @Marlborough Chelsea

    A darkly screeching crashed car abstraction. Ari Marcopoulos at Marlborough Chelsea.

  • Athanasios Argianas @On Stellar Rays

    Tree branches as musical notation. Athanasios Argianas at On Stellar Rays.

  • Yoshihiko Ueda @Shashin Festival

    Yoshihiko Ueda’s A Life with Camera from Hatori at the Shashin Festival.

  • Takuma Nakahira @Shashin Festival

    Ryuichi Kaneka talks about Takuma Nakahira’s For a Language to Come, 1970, at the Shashin Festival.

  • Kikuji Kawada @Shashin Festival

    Special edition of Kikuji Kawada’s The Last Cosmology from Mack/Goliga at the Shashin Festival.

  • Luke Smalley @ClampArt

    Recreated motifs of stylized masculinity. Luke Smalley at ClampArt.

  • Jacqueline Hassink @Benrubi

    The eloquent mix of indoor and outdoor in Kyoto’s temples. Jacqueline Hassink at Benrubi Gallery.

  • Gustave Le Gray @Met

    Light underneath the canopy of a hollow tree. Gustave Le Gray in the second floor hallway at the Met.