Contact Us


For most questions and inquiries, email is the best method for contacting us, using the address. All press releases and other information about shows, openings, book signings, events, etc. should be sent to this address.

Mailing Address

Our physical mailing address is:

Collector Daily
PO Box 99
Bedford, New York 10506

This address can be used for paper announcements/cards, catalogs, and other hard copy items.

Sending Us Your Photobook

While we realize it is common practice in the publishing industry for publishers to send review copies out to potential reviewers, we actually prefer not to receive photobook submissions for potential review. So please do not send us your photobook for review.

We strongly feel that we need to purchase the books we review to be truly honest and objective, and we consider it vitally important to support the artists and publishers who create these books with real dollars. If the photobook market is to continue to thrive, we all need to do what we can to support those who are taking the risk to make these exciting books. Shipping a large, heavy book halfway across the world in the hopes that someone you don’t know well will write about it seems vaguely ridiculous to us and a good way to waste your time and money. Let us pay; the relationship between artist/publisher and reviewer is then in proper balance.

If you want us to be aware of your new book, and we very much want to know about it, please send us an announcement email instead to (with a location where the book can be purchased), and we’ll add it to the list of books we’re considering for review. Know that we have a clear process for looking over every single submission and that we don’t need to be reminded about your new release again and again. All of our writers can see everything that comes in, so don’t feel like you must target your book at one writer or another to get attention.

Sending Us Your Portfolio

Similarly, please do not send us your portfolio for review. We do not review portfolios on the site, will not respond to your inquiries, and will not return anything you send us. We promise, it’s a waste of your time.

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