Archive: Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Miwa Yanagi @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Kenji Nakahashi @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
David Levinthal @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Laurie Simmons @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Peter Hujar @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Danny Lyon @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Aaron Siskind @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Emil Cadoo @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
Art After Stonewall: 1969-1989 @Leslie-Lohman Museum and @Grey Art Gallery (NYU)
NeoRealismo: The New Image in Italy, 1932-1960 @Grey Art Gallery NYU and Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò NYU
For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968-1979 @Japan Society
Tseng Kwong Chi: Performing for the Camera @Grey Art Gallery NYU