Snapshots from Paris Photo, Part 1

While we weren’t able to visit Paris Photo this year, that doesn’t mean we weren’t dying to know what went on. With the help of a couple of intrepid correspondents armed with their snapshot cameras, we’ve been able to cobble together a thoroughly random sampler of highlights. From a larger pile of images taken in booths and around the fair, I’ve edited the group down to the small selection below (caption information is below each image). In the visual overload of an art fair, what catches one person’s eye may be overlooked by the next person, so calling this “representative” of what was on display may or may not be entirely accurate. So why these and not others? Who knows, I’m just happy to get a glimpse of the fun.

Jaroslav Rössler at Howard Greenberg

Pierre Dubreuil at Barry Friedman

Baron Adolph de Meyer at Robert Klein

Daido Moriyama at Priska Pasquer

Margaret Watkins at Robert Mann
V. Dijon at Robert Hershkowitz

Ruud van Empel at Flatland

Tina Barney and Lee Friedlander at Janet Borden. For those gallery folks out there who have heard me drone on about the tyranny of the standard white wall, check out the exuberant pink walls in this booth!

A fan in a gorilla suit at the Martin Parr book signing.
Walker Evans at Edwynn Houk

Hamiltons booth
László Moholy-Nagy at Stephen Daiter
Toni Schneiders at Bernheimer

Sze Tsung Leong at Yossi Milo

Phaidon booth

Later this afternoon, I’ll be posting Parts 2 and 3 of this series, a similarly eclectic gathering of pictures from some of the photo exhibitions around Paris during the fair.

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Read more about: Baron Adolph de Meyer, Daido Moriyama, Jaroslav Rössler, László Moholy-Nagy, Lee Friedlander, Margaret Watkins, Pierre Dubreuil, Ruud van Empel, Sze Tsung Leong, Tina Barney, Toni Schneiders, V. Dijon, Walker Evans, Barry Friedman Ltd., Bernheimer, Edwynn Houk Gallery, Flat//Land, Galerie Priska Pasquer, Hamiltons Gallery, Howard Greenberg Gallery, Janet Borden Inc., Robert Hershkowitz, Ltd., Robert Klein Gallery, Robert Mann Gallery ~ 525 West 26th, Stephen Daiter Gallery, Yossi Milo Gallery, Paris Photo

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