Part 1 of this five-part Frieze report can be found here. Start there for introductory background and explanatory notes.

Miguel Abreu Gallery (here): Eileen Quinlan, $15000. This is a pulsating, attention grabbing color study – the shiny material of the woven rubber yoga mat picks up tiny reflections, dotting the electric yellow green with flecks of textured red.
Andrew Kreps Gallery (here): Roe Ethridge, $16000. There’s something unexpectedly off about these red tennis tights (the racquet seems overly big as well). It’s an eye-catching example of Ethridge’s mix of commercial and fine art aesthetics working together to produce something puzzlingly compelling.
Frith Street Gallery (here): Dayanita Singh, $19400. This work is actually three, housed in a custom wood box with interchangeable slots. The overflowing piles of ledgers are documented in all three images, giving the entire work a richer resonance.
Stuart Shave/Modern Art (here): Linder, £15000. A simple image intervention interrupts this self-portrait, creating a jarring hybrid face.
Maureen Paley (here): Gillian Wearing, £35000. Another in Wearing’s ongoing series of self-portraits in the guise of famous photographers, this time peering out from the face of Weegee.
Salon 94 (here): Katy Grannan, $14000. This booth had a powerful wall to wall installation of images from Katy Grannan’s new 99 series. Taken along California’s Route 99 and set against blistering, eye squinting white backgrounds, the images get close up to a parade of weathered faces and forgotten lives. They recall Dorothea Lange and Richard Avedon’s In the American West, mixing unflinching harshness and quiet authenticity.
Cheim & Read (here): Adam Fuss, $60000. While I had seen this same mattress covered with a tangle of writhing black snakes in Fuss’ last gallery show, I hadn’t seen the snakes replaced by a black female mannequin before; it adds another detail to Fuss’ garden/Eve story.
Sean Kelly Gallery (here): James Casebere, $45000. Casebere’s picture perfect stage set world given a darker, worn out alter ego, with a moss covered rooftop, a broken fence, and a landscape of barren, lifeless trees.
Galerie Krinzinger (here): Otto Muehl, complete portfolio €150000. This booth was dominated by an edge to edge hanging of images documenting 10 different actions/performances by Muehl – Viennese Actionism captured in raw, transgressive, experimental brashness.
Massimo Minini (here): Luigi Ghirri, $12000. A street scene through an ice cream store window, seen with Ghirri’s subtly surreal playfulness.
Continue to Part 3 here.