Auction Results: Photographie, May 29, 2013 @Villa Grisebach

The results of the recent Photography sale at Villa Grisebach in Berlin were generally solid. While the overall Buy-In rate was a bit high (just over 30%), there were enough positive surprises to bring the Total Sale Proceeds in at the midpoint of the estimate range.

The summary statistics are below (all results include the buyer’s premium):

Summary Statistics
Total Lots 161
Aggregate Pre Sale Low Estimate €474200
Aggregate Pre Sale High Estimate €654400
Total Lots Sold 111
Total Lots Bought In 50
Buy In % 31.06%
Total Sale Proceeds €553636

Here is the breakdown (using the Low, Mid, and High definitions from the preview post):

Detailed Breakdown
Low Total Lots 141
Total Low Lots Sold 96
Total Low Lots Bought In 45
Low Buy In % 31.91%
Aggregate High Estimate of Low Lots €416400
Total Proceeds from Low Lots €353556
Mid Total Lots 20
Total Mid Lots Sold 15
Total Mid Lots Bought In 5
Mid Buy In % 25.00%
Aggregate High Estimate of Mid Lots €238000
Total Proceeds from Mid Lots €200080
Total High Lots 0
Total High Lots Sold NA
Total High Lots Bought In NA
High Buy In % NA
Aggregate High Estimate of High Lots €0
Total Proceeds from High Lots NA

The top lot by High estimate was lot 2086, Martin Munkacsi, Brasilien erstickt im Kaffee, 1932, estimated at €15000-20000; it sold for €24400. The Munkacsi print shared the top outcome honors with lot 2046, Hugo Erfurth, Otto Dix in Profil, 1920, estimated at €8000-10000, and also sold for €24400. (image at right, top, via Villa Grisebach)

96.40% of the lots that sold had proceeds in or above the estimate. There were a total of 19 surprises in this sale (defined as having proceeds of at least double the high estimate):

Lot 2003, Ansel Adams, Oaktree, Snowstorm, Yosemite National Park, California, 1948/later, estimated at €700-900, sold at €1952

Lot 2012, Aenne Biermann, Ohne Titel (Montage), 1931, estimated at €2000-3000, sold at €9150 (image at right, bottom, via Villa Grisebach)

Lot 2013, Aenne Biermann, Feuerwerk, 1928, estimated at €1000-1500, sold at €4270

Lot 2014, Aenne Beirmann, Paprika rund, 1928, estimated at €1000-1500, sold at €7930

Lot 2019, Aenne Biermann, Mein Kind, 1931, estimated at 2€000-3000, sold at €6100

Lot 2046, Hugo Erfurth, Otto Dix in Profil, 1920, estimated at €8000-10000, sold at €24400

Lot 2053, Arno Fischer, Marlene Dietrich, Moskau, 1964/later, estimated at €1000-1500, sold at €4636

Lot 2081, Herbert Matter, Alberto Giacometti, Paris, 1965/later, estimated at €800-1000, sold at €3416

Lot 2087, Paco, Ohne Titel, 1935, estimated at €500-700, sold at €1952

Lot 2089, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Butte auf der Strasse, Weinlese an der Mosel, 1927, estimated at €2000-3000, sold at €6100

Lot 2096, Max Scheler, A hard day’s night, London, 1964/later, estimated at €900-1100, sold at €2440

Lot 2098, Jeanloup Sieff, Nude climbing a dune, Le Pyla,1970/1975, estimated at €1500-2000, sold at €4636

Lot 2100, Michel Sima, Alberto Giacometti in seinem Studio rue Hippolyte-Maindron, 1946/later, estimated at €2000-3000, sold at €7930

Lot 2116, Anton Corbijn, Miles Davis, 1985/1990, estimated at €5000-7000, sold at €20740 (image at right, middle, via Villa Grisebach)

Lot 2117, Thomas Florschuetz, Ricochet-II, 2tellig, 1997/1999, estimated at €4000-6000, sold at €13664

Lot 2122, Jitka Hanzlova, Alexandra, Coney Island, 2000/2003, estimated at €700-900, sold at €2074

Lot 2134, Robert Mapplethorpe, Tulips, 1983, estimated at €7000-9000, sold at €20740

Lot 2140, Judith Joy Ross, Untitled from Eurana Park, Weatherly, PA, 1982, estimated at €1200-1800, sold at €4880

Lot 2150, Thomas Struth, Pergamon V, Berlin, 2001, estimated at €800-1200, sold at €2440

Complete lot by lot results can be found here.

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Read more about: Aenne Biermann, Anton Corbijn, Hugo Erfurth, Grisebach

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