Auction Results: 20th Century Evening, 21st Century Evening, Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale, November 19, 21, and 22, 2024 @Christie’s

Photographically, Christie’s distanced itself from the other two major auction houses during its recent run of contemporary art sales in New York. Spread across three separate sales – 20th Century Evening, 21st Century Evening, and Post-War & Contemporary Art Day – the available photographs leaned heavily toward the highest price tier, with eight lots estimated at or above $500K. Aside from one withdrawal (a Diane Arbus print), the results were strong, including a new world record for William Eggleston, in the form of a large sized later print, estimated at $700000-900000 and sold at $1441500 (image below, via Christie’s). The top lot honors went to a Richard Prince cowboy print (at more than $1.86M), and another Prince cowboy print more than doubled its high estimate to take a close second place.

When the dust settled on the various sales, the low overall Buy-In rate for photography (under 14%) led to Total Sale Proceeds for photography of just over $8.6M, topping the high end of the aggregate pre-sale estimate range by a decent margin. And if we want to use a broad definition of photography, to include minimally photocollaged and/or digitally sourced/printed works of photographic imagery by the likes of Urs Fischer, Rashid Johnson, Anselm Kiefer, Gabriel Orozco, Wade Guyton and others, we can raise the tally by another $1.8M.

The summary statistics are below (all results include the buyer’s premium):

Summary Statistics
Total Lots 22
Aggregate Pre Sale Low Estimate $5642000
Aggregate Pre Sale High Estimate $8083000
Total Lots Sold 19
Total Lots Bought In 3
Buy In % 13.64%
Total Sale Proceeds $8670480

Here is the breakdown (using our typical Low, Mid, and High definitions):

Detailed Breakdown
Low Total Lots 0
Total Low Lots Sold NA
Total Low Lots Bought In NA
Low Buy In % NA
Aggregate High Estimate of Low Lots $0
Total Proceeds from Low Lots $0
Mid Total Lots 3
Total Mid Lots Sold 3
Total Mid Lots Bought In 0
Mid Buy In % 0.00%
Aggregate High Estimate of Mid Lots $63000
Total Proceeds from Mid Lots $88200
Total High Lots 19
Total High Lots Sold 16
Total High Lots Bought In 3
High Buy In % 15.79%
Aggregate High Estimate of High Lots $8020000
Total Proceeds from High Lots $8582280

The top photography lot by High estimate was lot 22B, Richard Prince, Untitled (Cowboy), 1999, estimated at $1000000-1500000; it was also the top photography outcome of the sales at $1865000 (image above, via Christie’s).

94.74% of the lots that sold had proceeds in or above the estimate range and there was one positive surprise in the sales (defined as having proceeds of at least double the high estimate) (image above, via Christie’s):

Lot 814, Richard Prince, Silhouette Cowboy, 1998-1999, estimated at $600000-800000, sold at $1744000

The complete lot by lot results can be found here (20th Century Evening), here (21st Century Evening), and here (Post-War & Contemporary Art Day).

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Read more about: Richard Prince, William Eggleston, Christie's

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