Van Ham has its photographs sale in Cologne later this week. The auction has primarily lower end material, with a large selection of architectural photographs, highlighted in a separate section. Overall, there are a total of 291 lots on offer in this sale, with a Total High Estimate of 482550€. (Catalog cover at right, via Van Ham.)
Here’s the breakdown:
Total Low Lots (high estimate up to and including 7500€): 284
Total Low Estimate (sum of high estimates of Low lots): 402550€
Total Mid Lots (high estimate between 7500€ and 35000€): 7
Total Mid Estimate: 80000€
Total High Lots (high estimate above 35000€): 0
Total High Estimate: NA
The top lot by High estimate is lot 17, Erwin Blumenfeld, Blumenfeld Color (portfolio), 1984, at 18000-20000€.
Here is the list of the photographers who are represented by four or more lots in the sale (with the number of lots in parentheses):
Karl Hugo Schmölz (21)
Albert Renger–Patzsch (14)
Werner Mantz (13)
August Sander (9)
Lucien Clergue (5)
Harold Edgerton (5)
Heinz Hajek–Halke (5)
Peter Keetman (5)
Eva Besnyö (4)
Robert Bothner (4)
Andreas Feininger (4)
Werner Rohde (4)
Tata Ronkholz (4)
One image which caught our eye was lot 114, Alexander Rodchenko, Radio Station Tower, 1929/1956, at 1800€. (image at right, via Van Ham.)
The complete lot by lot catalog can be found
Schönhauser Straße 10 – 16
D – 50968 Köln