Here’s the list of the 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship winners in Photography (with links to their respective websites as applicable), as drawn from a full page ad in this morning’s New York Times. The entire list of current fellows (in all disciplines, including the adjacent/overlapping categories of Fine Arts and Film-Video) will ultimately be found on the foundation website (here).
Tsar Fedorsky (here)
Lukas Felzmann (here)
Anthony Hernandez (here)
David Maisel (here)
Pradip Malde (here)
Rania Matar (here)
Nicholas Muellner (here)
Kristine Potter (here)
Meghann Riepenhoff (here)
Nadia Sablin (here)
Hank Willis Thomas (here)
Ian van Coller (here)
Teju Cole (in the General Nonfiction category, perhaps for photography, here)